Sunday, May 01, 2011

Sweden: Eric Saade – Popular

Aaah, a hot guy singing a dull soulless dance song about “being popular”: this must be Eurovision. Bring on the pyro, how very Sakis of Sweden. Needless to say I’m a big fan. And for the most perverted misheard lyrics in Eurovision ever. I had to go look it up because I couldn’t believe my ears. Turns out I’m just a big pervert. “My body wants you girl, I’ll get you when I’m popular”. Yes, well. I thought the “when” was er... something else. Listen for yourself! It’s an easy mistake to make!


Margrét said...

I can't hear it! And now I'm so curious.

Piglet said...

So it's really just me that's the pervert then!
I was 100% sure he sang "I'm gonna get you wet, I'm popular", but I figured that was a bit too much, so I looked up the lyrics.

I know. I hang my head in shame.