Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Le Grand Soir

Tonight's the night for Ishtar. If I can believe the blogs, it could go either way. Some say they're annoying but will get through, others say they're annoying and we'll disappear into nothingness. Whatever the result -though I'm secretly hoping for a place in the final of course- I'm trying to make myself an Ishtar-worthy dress for tonight. Unfortunately I don't have a circus tent or a red table cloth lying about, but I'll have to make do with what I *do* have.

The cats are already getting on my nerves, which is a sign that I'm feeling stressful, but so far I think I've got everything under control.
A little.
The score sheets are printed, so are most messages for on the walls, I need to find a frame for my Ishtar photo (we need all the prayers we can get really), my outfit needs thinking about, I need to shave the cats so they stop shedding hair all over the place and I need to calm down.
Then everything will be ok.

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