Friday, May 23, 2008

Semi 2: first thought on the results

- Iceland: whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!! *waves rainbow Icelandic flag*
- Portugal: yessssssss!
- Croatia: tee-hee!
- "Pff" about Denmark.
- Sweden was quite a let-down for me but I'm still glad they made it.
So now all the Scandinavian countries are in the final, that should lessen their chances for a great score. Still, I'm glad they made it.
- Ukraine is one of those songs that don't seem special until you see it performed. These guys have the best choreographers. The best example of "coming out of the closet" I've ever seen. It was brilliant.
- I'm also glad Albania made it. Shame about that horrid outfit.
- Latvia, Turkey and Georgia... urgh. Just urgh.

I'm also secretly thrilled FYR Macedonia didn't make it through. Must be their first time, I think.
Shame about Malta. I didn't like the song all that much, but she performed it well.
And Bulgaria :-(

Still, I'm much more pleased about this semi's result than I was about Tuesday's.

Go Iceland! Go Palli!

(recap will follow some time tomorrow)

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